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Outdoor Statues

Are you looking for a statue for outdoor use, but are not happy with the look of cement or plastic statues? We have a proprietary process of making any of our beautifully designed statues to withstand even the harshest elements outdoors. All of our statues can be special ordered to be made for exterior use.
Of course we can make any of our statues in real bronze or real marble, which are the best materials for exterior use. However, they are more expensive. If you are looking for something slightly less expensive, we can make our resin statues suitable for exterior use.

First, all of our exterior use resin statues are made from a heavy-duty commercial grade of resin that is mixed with marble dust. This superior combination of materials is exceedingly strong. Then we paint them with highly-specialized automotive grade exterior paints. Finally, we apply several coats of a UV-protectant polyurethane clear-coat sealer. This process has proven to withstand both the harshest winters and blazing summers. With simple care, our exterior statues continue to look beautiful for decades.

We can paint any of our statues with our outdoor finish to look just like a full-color indoor statue, or as a realistic imitation of the following colors:

• Bronze (shiny or antique)
• Marble (with or without veining)
• Wood (with or without grain, smooth or hand hewn)
• Stone (smooth or granular)
• Pewter

The colors of course will gradually fade slightly, similar to your car’s color over the years. However, unless your car is right next to a brand new car of the same color, you won’t even notice the color has faded.

Please note that all exterior finishes require special order and have additional cost above the standard indoor price.

Please also note that the metal crowns and halos are not suitable for outdoor use, as they will quickly corrode outside.  If a crown or halo is desired on an exterior statue, we can custom make them from fiberglass that are permanently attached to the statue.  This would be an additional charge.  Please call for a quote

Examples of outdoor finishes:


Standard Indoor Full Color

Exterior Antique White

Exterior Bronze

Exterior Full Color

Exterior full color finishes typically have slightly darker colors

And a slight sheen (semi-gloss or satin finish)


Standard Indoor Full Color

Exterior Cold Cast Marble

fatima 60 full color ext b

Exterior Full Color


Standard Indoor Full Color

Exterior Cold Cast Marble

St. Francis Assisi with Dog 63"

Standard Indoor Full Color

Exterior White

Exterior Bronze

Don Bosco with Teens 72"

Standard Indoor Full Color

Exterior Bronze Finish

Exterior Cold Cast Bronze

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